1. Classical scenario:
The Galois group of the 2nd Hilbert 3-class field
of a quadratic field
The original purpose of Brigitte Nebelung's thesis
written in 1989 under the supervision of Wolfram Jehne at Cologne,
was to gain a thorough overview of all
2-stage metabelian 3-groups G
with commutator factor group G/G' of type (3,3)
and to apply the results to the following problems
which were first posed by Arnold Scholz and Olga Taussky-Todd
in 1933 (inspired by the Furtwängler / Artin proof of the principal ideal theorem)
for imaginary quadratic fields K
but arise for any algebraic number field K with
3-class group Syl3C(K) of type (3,3):
1. to determine the Galois group G(K2|K) of the
2nd Hilbert 3-class field K2 of K over K,
2. to find the structure of the 3-class group
of the 1st Hilbert 3-class field K1 of K.
| | | | G(K2|K2) = 1 | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | G' = G(K2|K1) = Syl3C(K1) | | ---- | | |
| | | | | | | | | G/G' = G(K1|K) = Syl3C(K) = (3,3) |
| | | | G = G(K2|K) | | ---- | | |
This application is due to class field theory,
since K1 is the maximal abelian unramified 3-extension of K
and thus the subgroup U = G(K2|K1) of G = G(K2|K)
with factor group G/U = G(K1|K) = Syl3C(K) = (3,3)
must be the minimal subgroup of G with abelian factor group, i. e.,
must coincide with the commutator subgroup G' of G.
Further, G is a 2-stage metabelian 3-group,
since G' = G(K2|K1) = Syl3C(K1)
is abelian, i.e., G'' = 1.
Although taking G = G(Kn|K), for some integer n >= 3,
similarly yields G' = G(Kn|K1) and G/G' = (3,3),
the Galois group G = G(Kn|K) of the
nth Hilbert 3-class field Kn of K over K
is not a 2-stage metabelian 3-group any longer, in general,
since G'' = G(Kn|K2) != 1,
if 3 divides the class number of K2.
Top recent applications of the present theory have been developed in the following two articles:
[1] Arnold Scholz und Olga Taussky,
Die Hauptideale der kubischen Klassenkörper
imaginär quadratischer Zahlkörper,
J. reine angew. Math.171 (1934), 19 - 41
[2] Franz-Peter Heider und Bodo Schmithals,
Zur Kapitulation der Idealklassen in unverzweigten primzyklischen Erweiterungen,
J. reine angew. Math. 336 (1982), 1 - 25
[3] James R. Brink and Robert Gold,
Class field towers of imaginary quadratic fields,
manuscripta math. 57 (1987), 425 - 450
[4] Brigitte Nebelung,
Klassifikation metabelscher 3-Gruppen
mit Faktorkommutatorgruppe vom Typ (3,3)
und Anwendung auf das Kapitulationsproblem,
Inauguraldissertation, Köln, 1989
[5] Daniel C. Mayer,
Principalization in complex S3-fields,
Congressus Numerantium 80 (1991), 73 - 87
[6] Daniel C. Mayer,
List of discriminants dL<200000
of totally real cubic fields L,
arranged according to their multiplicities m and conductors f,
1991, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Manitoba
[7] Daniel C. Mayer,
Principalization in Unramified Cyclic Cubic Extensions
of all Quadratic Fields with Discriminant -50000 < d < 0
and 3-Class Group of Type (3,3),
Univ. Graz, Computer Centre, 2003