Mysterion 2003

Universal Art Project

First Performance in the Core Area of Cosmopolis

by the Master of Ceremonies

Mysterion 2003:

43. Certificates 2003
42. Nuclear and High Energy Physics
41. Principalization Types of 2-Stage Metabelian 3-Groups (2003/12/31)
40. Descending Central Series of 2-Stage Metabelian 3-Groups (2003/12/31)
39. Rank 3 discriminants d = -3321607,-3640387 of Diaz and Buell (2002/12/30)
38. Particle and High Energy Physics
37. Minimal occurrences of complex and totally real cubic fields (2002/12/26)
36. Nuclear Term Schemata and Magic Nucleon Numbers
35. Rank 3 discriminant d = -4447704 (2002/12/22)
34. Spectroscopical Term Schemata
33. Counting p-ray class fields (2002/12/21)
32. Discriminantal multiplicities of p-ring class fields (2002/12/21)
31. Quantum Mechanics
30. Rank 2 discriminants d = -2069688,-128451,-42591,-8751 (2002/12/02)
29. Cosmology and Astro Physics

Archive 2002:

28. Unexplored Pure Cubic Fields with 3-class rank r >= 2 (2002/10/26)
27. Inverse Population of Pure Cubic Principal Factorization Types (2002/10/22)
26. Pure Cubic Fields with 3-class rank 1, 2, or 3 (2002/10/20)
25. Capitulation in Unramified Cubic Extensions of the Galois Closure of Pure Cubic Fields (2002/10/10)
24. Pure Cubic Fields with 3-class rank 0 (2002/10/02)
23. Ambiguous Principal Ideals in Cyclic Cubic Fields (2002/09/18)
22. Capitulation in Unramified Cubic Extensions of Cyclic Cubic Fields (2002/07/18)
21. Octuplets of Cyclic Cubic Fields (2002/04/20)
20. Quadruplets of Cyclic Cubic Fields (2002/04/17)
19. Lattice Geometry of Cyclic Cubic Fields (2002/04/15)
18. The Leading Table of Cyclic Cubic Fields (2002/04/08)
17. Yuck ! Here they are -- the Cyclic Cubic Monsters (2002/04/03)
16. Class Numbers of Cyclic Cubic Fields (2002/04/01)
15. Geometry of Totally Real Cubic Fields (2002/03/23)
14. Exotic pure cubic fields (2002/03/20)
13. Families of pure cubic fields (2002/03/18)
12. Pure cubic fields ordered by ascending radicands (2002/03/04)
11. Pure cubic fields ordered by ascending conductors (2002/03/03)
10. Sextic normal fields with cyclic or dihedral Galois group (2002/02/22)
9. Quadratic fields with cyclic 2-class group (2002/02/17)
8. Sextic fields associated with quadratic 3-ray class groups (2002/02/11)
7. Cubic discriminants with irregular conductors (2002/02/08)
6. Multiplicities of cubic discriminants (2002/02/05)
5. Minimal occurrences of cubic multiplicities (2002/02/02)
4. Multiplicities of quintic discriminants (2002/01/31)
3. Jordi Quer's complex quadratic field with 3-rank 5 (2002/01/29)

Archive 2001:

2. Absolutely cyclic cubic fields (2001/12/24)
1. First occurrence of cubic discriminants with 3-defect 2 (2001/07/28)

On the Archive pages, we recall what we presented during the years 2001 and 2002
as most recent results, directly from the lab, elaborated by our joint research.
Basic bibliography:
K. Belabas, A fast algorithm to compute cubic fields, Math. Comp. 66 (1997), 1213-1237
A. Derhem, Capitulation dans les extensions quadratiques non ramifiées de corps de nombres cubiques cycliques,
Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval, Québec, 1988
D. C. Mayer, Multiplicities of dihedral discriminants, Math. Comp. 58 (1992), 831-847 and S55-S58
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