Research Frontier 2013

Reaching Current Limits & Breaking Through Beyond

Karl-Franzens University Graz, left side

Reaching Current Limits:

Karl-Franzens University Graz, centre with 8 figures

Breaking Through Beyond:

  • *****************************************************
    Since Thursday, August 23, 2012, 01:06 MET,
    BUSH and MAYER were the first who proved that
    the COMPLEX QUADRATIC FIELD K = Q((-9748)1/2)

  • Proof:
    (1) Daniel C. MAYER proved that
    the metabelianization G/G'' of the 3-tower group G of K = Q((-9748)1/2),
    and in fact of any algebraic number field
    with second 3-class group g having
    transfer kernel type (TKT) E.9, κ(g) = (2,2,3,1), and
    transfer target type (TTT) τ(g) = [(9,27),(3,9)3],
    is one of two terminal metabelian vertices SmallGroup (2187,302) or SmallGroup(2187,306)
    on branch B( SmallGroup(729,54) ) of coclass tree T( SmallGroup(243,8) ).
    (2) Michael R. BUSH computed a list of all Schur σ-groups of order 37 = 2187
    which only contains SmallGroup(2187,121) and SmallGroup(2187,122)
    but neither SmallGroup(2187,302) nor SmallGroup(2187,306).
    (3) Both authors exchanged and combined their results at 01:06 MET on August 23, 2012.
    Since K is complex quadratic, its 3-tower group G must be a Schur σ-group,
    according to Shafarevich , Koch and Venkov .
    Since none of the groups SmallGroup(2187,302) and SmallGroup(2187,306) is a Schur σ-group,
    the 3-tower of K cannot stop at the second stage and
    G must be a non-metabelian group of derived length at least 3.

  • We met at the
    Workshop on "GOLOD SHAFAREVICH theory" ,
    organized by the Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI),
    Boltzmanngasse 9, 1090 VIENNA.

    After a brief discussion of about an hour,
    we found the solutions of problems
    that mathematicians were unable to answer for nearly 80 years
    since Scholz and Taussky claimed that the mentioned fields
    have 3-towers of length 2 in their famous paper of 1934.

  • In this manner, we will continue
    to shed light on the completely unsolved question of
    3-stage and higher towers of p-class fields for odd primes p
    by determining exact borders between vertices of
    different derived length on coclass graphs G(p,r),
    and investigating the second derived quotient G/G''
    of vertices G with derived length dl(G) ≥ 3.

Karl-Franzens University Graz, right side

Please Note:

  • This is the BEGINNING of a new era of research concerning
    the maximal unramified pro-p extensions of number fields
    by joining coclass theory of finite p-groups and
    suitable generalizations of Schur σ-groups.

    And it's the END of intolerable uncertainty since 1933.

Daniel C. Mayer
Our international research project
Towers of p-Class Fields
over Algebraic Number Fields

is supported by the
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are listed in
Presentations and Lectures 2013:

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